Pacific Island Roundtable for Nature Conservation

Management Working Group: Terms of Reference

The Roundtable Management Group supports the Roundtable functions and mandate and ensures that the Roundatble process happens. The Roundtable Management Group is not a decision-making body of the Roundtable, it manages the process. Heads of Roundtable Organizations (HOO) will make decisions for the Roundtable.

Facilitating the implementation of the Roundtable mandate

  • Create agenda for Roundtable meetings and ensure that they are held.
  • Facilitate coordination, comminication, and collaboration for the emerging issues working groups, monitoring, and advocacy working groups.
  • Take on fundraising and communications functions.

Promoting Proactive Roundtable Membership

  • Identify priority membership (e.g. donors, CROP, etc.) and work with them to join the Roundtable and understand and implement the principles. Where possible, support members in signing the Roundtable Charter.

The Implementation Principles

  • Managing the development of principles and establishing and implementing the priciples monitoring system for the Roundtable members.


  • Organise the 2012 regional Conservation Conference

The Action Strategy

  • Support the promotion of the Action Strategy for Nature Conservation

Commitments of the Roundtable Management Group

Ensure that the core required activities of the Roundtable are taking place. In particular, the following activities/services:

  1. Protected Areas Database
  2. Projects Inventory
  3. Monitoring the Action Strategy and reporting back to the Conference.
  4. Contry Support activities
  5. Database of Organizations that meet the criteria of Roundtable membership
  6. Database of donors in the region
  7. Develop and maintain action list of the Roundtable
  8. Roundtable website

Membership of the Roundtable Management Group

It is desirable that we have consistent membership of the five years of the Action Strategy. Those who are members must be able to commit time to this effort.